Recently I had to look into processing user inputted expressions which would enable a user to insert control flow logic into a workflow depending on whatever criteria they wish. We are already using JBoss’s jBPMN which is an implementation of BPMN, a standard workflow schema. It is a stable, trusted and widely used tool in the enterprise community.
I have been evaluating various databases recently for a project at work. Without going into the details about the product all you need to know is that there are several types of data and performance is a high priority. We have a very large amount of data and versatile data types. We had been using PostgreSQL for holding relational data, Riak for holding most of everything else, and ElasticSearch for handling full text search. I want to focus on multi-model databases but I cannot overemphasize that there is no such thing as a one-size fits all database. A database is built for specific uses and specific data types, and data sizes. You may need multiple storage engines (the word I am going to use instead of database) to handle your data requirements. The problems that you run into is as the number of storage engines increase your system becomes more complex. You may have difficulty with data that is stored in a single storage engine but require some sort of decimation from another storage engine. This will result in performance issues and general complications. With all of this being said there may be times that a single storage engine solution may be viable and appropriate.
This is my attempt to extract his slides from his presentation and annotate them slightly. I write my interpretations under the headings. Watch the full talk here.
JavaScript or ECMA Script has a community that is always finding ways to make JavaScript “suck less”. Either easier to write, deploy or test. What I have never seen is an attempt to make JavaScript more like “Java”. No language is the magical unicorn perfect for every single situation, only a novice says stupid things like that. Yes, JavaScript is messy, odd and confusing. It’s API is funky and sadly inconsistent from browser to browser. As the content we develop shifts more and more to full blown applications and not mere static content more conventions are needed to ensure that JavaScript protects itself.
I’m currently still in EST in SF at the Angular U conference. I figured I would give ES6 and Angular2 a try with the official documentation before I hear the keynotes and all.
They say you are what you eat. I think that you are whoever you seem to be plus who you really are. Others perception of you while not truly important may attribute to the scope of “who you are”.